Friday, January 31, 2020

Regeneration of Cartilage and Tendons in the Upper Extremities Dissertation

Regeneration of Cartilage and Tendons in the Upper Extremities - Dissertation Example Their research helped them establish that there are three main elements in tissue engineering and regeneration: sufficient cell numbers within the defect, access to differentiation factors, cell carrier or matrix which fills the defect and allows cell proliferation (Gao, 2007). This study was able to indicate that cell regeneration of cartilage in the upper extremities is only apparent with stem cells in adult somatic tissues which can differentiate into various lineages of experimental conditions. In critically evaluating the research methods and content of this study, it is apparent to note that the topic chosen is very much significant and relevant in the current orthopedic practice, especially where this practice has yet to establish clear and effective cartilage and tendon regeneration. Unlike bones which often have mechanisms of quality regeneration in place, the authors focused their study on the regeneration of cartilage. The results of the study were very much support ed by their tables and by the literature review they presented. Moreover, the conclusions were drawn based on the logical evaluation of results as well as the discussion of variables. The limitations of the study were discussed, mostly in relation to the small population covered which also limited the generalized applicability of the results. Difficulties in regeneration of the cartilage has also been discussed by Scheibel (2004) where the authors carried out osteochondral autologous transplantations from the knee joints to the shoulder on eight patient respondents. Standard assessment measures were applied to the patients. After about 32 months from the transplantations, regeneration was seen in the cartilage indicating osseointegration of the osteochondral plugs and alignment of cartilage at the transplantation site. This study revealed that osteochondral autologous transplants in the shoulders offer viable options for lesions in the cartilage at the glenohumeral joints. Th e results of this study are very much related to previous studies on the subject matter in terms of the benefits of autologous transplantations for cartilage. The variables of the study were sufficiently explained and specified; however, limitations of the study were on the application of ethical research practices which the authors did not specify. It is difficult to gauge the application of confidentiality as well as informed consent without the authors specifying such applications within their text. The methods of the study are nevertheless replicable and repeatable for future studies and for future reference. Funakoshi (2006) carried out their experiment on tendon regeneration at the shoulders in their study where their subjects were rabbits. They experimented on 21 rabbits in order to evaluate the feasibility of nonwoven chitin fabrics in the acellular matrix rotator cuff regeneration. The subjects were assessed on the cellular level at 2, 4, 6, 8, and 12 weeks following surgery and intervention. The authors were able to establish the value of grafted shoulders on subjects, which exhibited type III collagen regenerated tissues. In other words, using chitin fabric as an acellular matrix helped the regeneration of the tendons in the shoulder area. This study also supports the notion which was already forwarded by previous studies where cellular regeneration on cartilage and tendons can be difficult, but can be made

Thursday, January 23, 2020

Win XP Pro vs. Win 2K Pro :: essays research papers fc

Title Windows XP Pro vs. Windows 2000 Pro Thesis Statement I got to play with XP Pro and fell in love with it the same way with 2000 Pro! Outline I.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Introduction A.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  How I fell in love all over again! B.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  XP Pro and XP HE (Home Edition) C.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Office XP II.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Body A.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  XP Pro vs. 2000 Pro B.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Application Compatibility C.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  What’s new - IPv6 D.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  AD and XP Pro E.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  WINS a thing of the past! III.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Conclusion A. XP Server and XP Corporate Windows XP Pro vs. Windows 2000 Pro Learning to play with 2000 Pro was fun. It challenged me in a great way. I learn some fundamentals about how an OS worked. Then I got to play with XP Pro and fell in love with it the same way I fell in love with 2000 Pro! When I had first heard about Windows XP I at first thought it was going to be another 9x OS for the home computer. Soon I was told that it would also have a Professional one too. But I was learning Windows 2000 and so I dismissed XP once again. My teach, Tony A., said XP was 2000 with a new GUI and this got me thinking more about this OS. If I learn all I can about 2000, learning XP will be a piece of cake! Then one day when I came to class and saw that XP Pro was install on the computer that I was sitting at in class. I got to fool around with it for about two hours and I was hooked! I’m getting ahead of my-self here, let me talk really quickly about XP Home Edition (HE) that is out there! It works more or less like Windows 98 with a little Windows 2000 upgrades. It’s mainly for the home use as it’s the name for the OS. Unlike 98 it don’t just sit on top of your computer. It acts more like 2000 in that it shields the hardware from the software and keeps it from crashing. It loves Plug and Play hardware. It features a 32-bit computing architecture, and a fully protected memory model. Since it’s got a lot of the 2000 built in, it features â€Å"Home Networking† network your home systems like an office! The only draw back is the fact that it use only basic disk, try to use dynamic and you’ll break the OS! The thing with XP HE is that Microsoft is selling the OS as a home entertment center than anything, so I’m not going to hold my breath for anything big to come out of this OS.

Wednesday, January 15, 2020

Benedict XVI

A great leader does not impose perfection at all times. Leaders also have their shortcomings to their people but on top of that, they continue to pursue their passion which Is to serve those people who believed in them. However, not all leaders are measured through their greatness. Some will be remembered because of their humility. Don't you think It's great If someone will humbly give up power knowing they can not anymore serve their people better? One can not be truly great If he does not know how to humble down himself before God. Sounds familiar?It Is our former pope, Joseph Radiating popularly known as Pope Benedict XVI. He might not be as popular as Pope John Paul II was or our present Pope Francis but he contributed great things not Just to Catholic church but to our faith as Catholics. Pope Benedict Wig's papacy testifies to a churchman of scholarship and pastoral sensitivity. He has a reputation as a theological conservative, taking uncompromising positions on homosexuality, women priests and contraception's. He espouses Christian compassion- speaking out for human rights, protection of the environment ND the fight against poverty and injustice.The central theme of his papacy has been his defense of fundamental Christian values in the eave of what he sees as moral. He always believed that the strengths of the church came from an absolute truth that does not bend with the winds. â€Å"If John Paul II had not been Pope, he would have been a movie star; if Benedict had not been Pope, he would have been a university professor†, wrote US Vatican expert John L. Allen. Benedict was described by those who know him as ladybird, with a mild and humble manner, but a strong moral core.Pope Benedict went through a to of controversies during his reign resulting in decline in numbers of priests being recruited and millions of Catholics went against the church. Public relations for him was not a big factor. It was one of his weaknesses. He has never publicly gi ven his own version of events. Even though a lot of people was disappointed for him being so traditional, he remained with the truth. He was not open to Casting modernization and intransigent on priestly celibacy and contraception's. He tried his best to obtain a church which is one with other religions but he was misunderstood.His speeches turned to be an offense to all Muslims and Protestants. As a result, he received a lot of criticisms e. G. That his resignation was due to his conversion to Islam. It turned out to be a disgrace for the Catholic church. Despite all of that, his supporters believed that was exactly why he was the man to lead the church through such challenging times. Pope Benedict XVI was a mild and humble pope. As a religious leader, faith Is what you bring to people. Our Lord Jesus became the symbol of faith through Pope Benedict. The teachings Jesus made remained during his papacy.He Just wants us to stick to these teachings because these traditional teachings are what truly mold our faith. Benedict XVI By tyrosine's which is to serve those people who believed in them. Remembered because of their humility. Don't you think it's great if someone will can not be truly great if he does not know how to humble down himself before God. Sounds familiar? It is our former pope, Joseph Radiating popularly known as Pope Benedict WI. He might not be as popular as Pope John Paul II was or our present Pope Benedict XVI was a mild and humble pope. As a religious leader, faith is what

Tuesday, January 7, 2020

Dr. Jekyll Essay - 1067 Words

In the Victorian Era, one of the most important parts of one’s everyday life was the need to protect his or her reputation. While some abided by the Victorian moral code of conduct, others kept their evil hidden in an attempt to secure their reputation. Because of this, creating excuses for one’s actions were commonplace. As seen in the last chapter of Robert Louis Stevenson’s novella, the Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde, titled, â€Å"Jekyll’s Full Statement of the Case†. In this final chapter, Dr. Henry Jekyll writes a letter to his only good friend left, Mr. John Utterson. Throughout the novella, Mr. Utterson tries to uncover the mystery of Mr. Edward Hyde. Dr. Jekyll, in an attempt to save his reputation, makes excuses for Hyde’s†¦show more content†¦Through the sympathy that Utterson feels, the blame is effectively pushed unto Hyde, saving Jekyll’s reputation. In order to make his point more believable, it is important that Jekyll includes a back story explaining exactly why he created Hyde to begin with. Jekyll is an intelligent, well-respected man in his community with large sums of money, yet he turns himself into Hyde, who is hated by nearly everyone upon first-glance. While this is a confusing state of events, Jekyll gives a historical precedent to facilitate his explanation. In the opening of his letter, Jekyll gives an in-depth description of the pressures he faced being born â€Å"to a large fortune, endowed besides with excellent parts, inclined by nature to industry, fond of the respect of the wise and good among my fellow men, and thus, as might have been supposed.† (47). Being born into wealth and respect gave Jekyll no chance to escape societal pressures, which were exceptionally high during the Victorian Era. Jekyll continues by asserting that he â€Å"found it hard to reconcile with [his] imperious desire to carry [h is] head high and wear a more than commonly grave countenance before the public. Hence it came about that [he] concealed [his] pleasures.† (48). Jekyll’s conflict between societies expectations and what he really wants to do leads him to find a solution: Hyde. When Jekyll first turns into Hyde, he is in awe because heShow MoreRelatedDr Jekyll And Mr Hyde Essay1518 Words   |  7 PagesThe purpose of my essay is to compare and contrast the historical fiction, drama novel titled, the Kite Runner, written by Khaled Hosseini, and the horror, scientific fiction, drama novel, The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde, written by Robert Louis Stevenson. I will compare the two novels and show hoe these two authors represent how you can take two people that have a lot of guilt and either live with it or change yourself and circumstances. One lives with it by his actions towards hisRead More dr jekyll and mr hyde Essay1196 Words   |  5 Pages Jekyll and Hyde Analysis In this essay on the story of Jekyll and Hyde written by Robert Louis Stevenson I will try to unravel the true meaning of the book and get inside the characters in the story created by Stevenson. A story of a man battling with his double personality. In Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde, Hyde becomes Jekylls demonic, monstrous alter ego. Certainly Stevenson presents him immediately as this from the outset. Hissing as he speaks, Hyde has quot;a kind of black sneering coolness .Read MoreDr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde Essay800 Words   |  4 Pages Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde Essay In Robert Louis Stevenson’s, Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde, Dr. Jekyll’s struggle between two personalities is the cause of tragedy and violence. Dr. Jekyll takes his friends loyalty and unknowingly abuses it. In this novella, Stevenson shows attributes of loyalty, how friendship contributes to loyalty, and how his own life affected his writing on loyalty. Stevenson expresses loyalty in many ways. For example, he establishes the friendship between Mr. Utterson, Dr. JekyllRead MoreBackground of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde Essay2077 Words   |  9 PagesBackground of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde The Strange Case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde was published in 1886 and is one of the best known of Stevensons novels. It concerns the way in which an individual is made up of contrary emotions and desires: some good and some evil. Through the curiosity of Utterson, a lawyer, we learn of the ugly and violent Mr Hyde and his oddRead More Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde Essay1116 Words   |  5 PagesDr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde was published in 1886 as a shilling shocker novella written by the young novelist Robert Louis Stevenson. At that time there was a surfeit of cheap horror novellas. Stevensons novella was different because it explored the evil inside human kind. I will look into Victorian attitudes and how these influenced Victorian life. The cultural and historical context of the text is typical of the author but not his time because there was a contradictionRead More Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde Essay718 Words   |  3 Pages Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Jekyll does deserve his final miserable fate because he commits several selfish deeds to the point where he brings his miserable fate upon himself. In Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde, Robert Louis Stevenson uses Jekyll to represent how man prioritizes by putting himself over others. Throughout the book, Jekyll’s two different sides are used to show that man is consistently selfish and will usually think of himself before others. Even though Jekyll hasRead More The Gothic Novel Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde Essay examples1403 Words   |  6 PagesTo what extent can The strange case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde be viewed as a gothic novel? Jekyll and Hyde is a gothic novel. It was written by Robert Louis Stevenson, he got the idea for the story after a dream he had. The word ‘Goth’ is originally from a German tribe and has come to mean ‘barbarian’ and later know as ‘Gothic’. In Gothic Literature certain features are expected. These are supernatural events, have villains and hero characters, strange weather, horror, mystery and deathsRead MoreStevensons Representation of Evil in Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde Essay1424 Words   |  6 PagesStevensons Representation of Evil in Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde is a classic novel telling the story of the struggle between good and evil. The good being shown in the form of a well-respected Doctor Henry Jekyll and the evil being released from a lengthy repression in the form of Mr Edward Hyde. In my essay I will be concentrating on the influences of the Victorian age and how Stevenson involved aspects of his own life into the writing of the bookRead MoreAnalysis of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde Essay557 Words   |  3 PagesAnalysis of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde Everyone has heard of Jekyll and Hyde. The two infamous characters that portray the main roles in The Strange Case of Dr.Jekyll and Mr.Hyde. Yet, even with this phenomenal status of the book, surprisingly, not many people know what is really represented inside its pages. Firstly, to understand what made The Strange Case of Dr.Jekyll and Mr.Hyde a classical story known by young and old alike, we must look at where it began. AsRead MoreDr Jekyll And Mr Hyde Duality Essay1502 Words   |  7 PagesIn the novel, The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde by Robert Louis Stevenson provides insight into the inner workings of the duality that exists within humans. Dr. Jekyll is a well-respected doctor in his community while his differing personality Mr. Hyde is hideous and considered by the public as evil based on appearance. As the novel progresses Dr. Lanyon begins to investigate Mr. Hyde, he begins to realize similarities between both Mr. Hyde and Dr. Jekyll such as their handwriting which results